The Rubiks Phantom 3×3 Cube is a perfect gift for someone who has recently learned to solve the Rubik’s Cube for the first time, or for those of you who are ready for a new and unusual challenge. The puzzle is delivered in a very stylish black gift box. Note, however, that the cube’s heat-sensitive plastic works best in temperatures below 26 degrees, which means that it may not be as suitable for a sunny holiday.
Rubiks Phantom 3×3 Cube
28.99 €
The Rubik’s Phantom 3×3 Cube is an innovative cube from Rubiks. When you take the cube out of its packaging, it is dark and plain. Your task is to warm up the pieces with your fingers so that they reveal their correct colors! Moments after you remove your fingers, however, the pieces cool down and lose their color – can you solve a Rubik’s Cube despite these unusual circumstances?
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