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GAN 13 M MagLev

49.99 58.99 

11 reviews

Here comes one of 2022’s hottest releases: GAN 13 M MagLev! It’s a feather-light cube that’s packed with core-to-corner magnets and a variety of adjustment options that you can easily use yourself. You can change how tightly the center pieces are screwed down (“center travel”), how the cube should feel when you turn it (“tension”) and how strong the magnets should be (“magnet strength”). The GAN 13 M MagLev itself is a lightning-fast puzzler right out of the box, so you don’t need to be a pro at adjusting cubes to make the cube perform world-class. More about the GAN 13 M MagLev and all its adjustment options can be found in the description below.

Popular 2.99  
Before your cube is shipped, we lubricate it with a combination of lubes suitable for GAN 13 M MagLev.

Customize your lube service by selecting up to three lubes.

Luxurious modding for the GAN 13 M MagLev including application of three types of lubes and complete adjustment for the ultimate experience.
  • Adjustment of screws and springs
  • Lubrication of pieces
  • Core-lubrication (washers, springs, screws)

Customize your deluxe lubrication and adjustments to fit your preferences.

Select a lube for core lubrication. We recommend heavy, high-viscosity lubes.


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