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MoYu AoSu V7 4×4 M

18.99 54.99 

18 reviews

The MoYu AoSu V7 4×4 M is the year’s most anticipated release of a 4×4 speedcube! The cube comes in four exciting variants, where what differentiates them is whether they have a protective layer of UV coating, as well as the number of pre-installed magnets.

  • Single Track – The standard version, classic magnetization between all pieces (96 magnets).
  • Single Track UV – Same as above but with UV coating on the pieces, which gives a shiny look and protects against scratches.
  • Dual Track UV – In addition to the classic magnetization, this also has a magnetic core (112 magnets) for increased stability.
  • Triple Track UV – Here, another layer of magnets has been placed in the base of the pieces, which gives a smoother and stronger magnetic feel (160 magnets).

The MoYu AoSu V7 4×4 M has a variant for everyone, whether you are looking for an affordable speedcube or a 4×4 with the very latest technology.

Premium Variant


Also available as a premium variant
Popular 2.99  
Before your cube is shipped, we lubricate it with a combination of lubes suitable for MoYu AoSu V7 4x4 M.

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MoYu AoSu V7 4x4 M is often bought with:

12.99 36.99 
34 reviews
Now also in a 2024 Blue Edition!

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