Cuboss Boost – Lubricant for cubes
Cuboss Boost is a silicone-based lubricant with a medium viscosity. The lubricant is somewhat slime-like in its consistency, which gives a very pleasant feeling in the cube – but above all it is very fast. Boost is strawberry scented, which is clearly noticeable when you lubricate and turn your puzzle. The scent does however diminish in strength over time. Cuboss Boost works on its own and is an easy-to-use and very good lube for those looking for a first lubricant to speed up your cubes while giving them a smooth and lovely feel.
Boost’s best use case might however be in giving slower cubes a “boost”. The most common combination of lubricants is to have a heavier lubricant as a base (e.g. Weight 5) to give softness and controllability and then top off with a faster lubricant to prevent the cube from getting too slow. For this purpose, there is no better option than Cuboss Boost, which outclasses all the lubricants we have tried in “topping up” slowly lubricated cubes.
How to lubricate a cube with Cuboss Boost
The bottle has a narrow tip so that you don’t accidentally get too much silicone in your puzzle. You lubricate the cube by simply separating two pieces of the cube apart to then apply a string of Cuboss Boost inside the gap. Add more lube if needed, you can’t add too much Cuboss Boost in a cube in the sense that the cube would then become too slow. However, it can lead to the cube becoming a bit sticky if you put in far too much. In that case, just wipe off the excess with a paper towel.
Cuboss Boost contains 10 ml of lubricant. Avoid eye contact, ingestion and very high temperatures.