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X-Man Tornado V4 M 3×3

34.99 47.99 

22 reviews

X-Man Tornado V4 M 3×3 is the new and improved sequel to the immensely popular X-Man Tornado V3 M, which was used to break the Rubiks cube world record of 3.13 seconds by Max Park. The X-Man Tornado V4 M builds on the previous design and is, among other things, more stable, more durable and easier to adjust. At the same time, it retains the speed, feel and overall superb performance that the Tornado has become loved and known for.

The cube is available in two versions, Flagship with classic springs and Pioneer with MagLev and UV coating.

Premium Variant


Also available as a premium variant
Popular 2.99  
Before your cube is shipped, we lubricate it with a combination of lubes suitable for X-Man Tornado V4 M 3x3.

Customize your lube service by selecting up to three lubes.

Luxurious modding for the X-Man Tornado V4 M 3x3 including application of three types of lubes and complete adjustment for the ultimate experience.
  • Adjustment of screws and springs
  • Lubrication of pieces
  • Core-lubrication (washers, springs, screws)

Customize your deluxe lubrication and adjustments to fit your preferences.

Select a lube for core lubrication. We recommend heavy, high-viscosity lubes.


X-Man Tornado V4 M 3x3 is often bought with:

12.99 36.99 
34 reviews

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