New Rubiks cubes & SpeedcubesSee all

Check out the latest Speedcubes here! We work hard to make sure to have all the latest and best speedcubes available as soon as possible.

Best sellers

Check our best sellers! These are some of the best selling Rubiks cubes, Speedcubes and Speedcube lubricants of all time.

Popular categories

Cuboss - Your european Speedcube shop

Cuboss is a European Speedcube shop based in Sweden. On top of shipping from 4.99 €, you won’t have any import fees if you order from within the EU and Norway. This makes us a much cheaper option than many other cube shops. Our team is built up of very passionate Speedcubers, with over 10 years of experience to help you out with anything you need. More about us here.

✔️ Fast delivery  ✔️ 4.99 € Shipping ✔️ No import fees  ✔️ Ships from Europe ✔️ Free shipping from 99 €


Rubik's cubes | SpeedcubesSe all

The classic 3×3 Rubiks cube has evolved over the years to the modern speedcube. These speedcubes are optimized for speedsolving.

Twisty puzzlesSe all

There are a lot more Rubiks cube like puzzles out there. We offer over 100 different twisty puzzles, inlcuding the Pyraminx and Megaminx.

accessoriesSe all

We offer a wide variety of accessories for Rubiks cubes. This includes speedcube lube and timers for speedcubing as well as cube stands.


Cuboss was born out of our passion for Speedcubing – the sport where you solve the Rubiks cube or similar puzzles as fast as possible. To get faster solves, new methods and fingertricks are constantly innovated. As cubers all over the world push the limits of cubing, manufacturers push the limits of hardware. We make sure to bring you the latest and best speedcubes, lubrication and accessories so that YOU can perform at your best.



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